Book recommendations here and on twitter have been great (perhaps some sort of list on Amazon where you get a commission) and I've probably purchased 20 or more books this year based on this newsletter. The ad-tech stuff is also enough food for thought for several banquets. I hadn't noticed the word orthopraxic before, but it's counterpoint with orthodoxy is a useful cognitive tool for many things.

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I just reached the part of Chaos Monkeys where a lawsuit is about to end your startup.

I get the feeling that your "inside the belly" view of these companies married to a willingness to openly talk about it in your book, stacks, and pod will result in all of us being blessed with the truth that will help set America free from monopolistic control of our speech.

Bless you brother. I am hugely enjoying the book. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

Dads like you have so much to offer your children because of your street smarts and utter clarity about who the bad guys are.

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Laughing again…

Chaos Monkeys quote

“As I hope I’ve made clear in many disclaimers throughout this work, there was nothing badass about my career in technology. The scant success I had was due purely to happenstance, combined with being a ruthless little shit when it counted.“

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After a year, you've produced a prolific amount of work. My favorite of your interviews were Niall Fergusson, which betrays my protestant bias, and Ross Douthat. My favorite article of all was about the Google and Apple shift to on device data usage. Before reading it, I was messing around with training some models to scrape property info from county records, and it gave me some serious insight into where I might go for a career. Also finished Chaos Monkeys. Learned some shizz. I treated it as a more saucy "The Phoenix Project" that tackled those sticky situations that arise in startups and ad tech. I was a little underwhelmed because I expected more decadence than I got. Louis CK did worse, and he's back on tour now.

I can say without flattery I think there's some incredibly intriguing content on the pull request, and the articles and interviews are high-quality. Some stuff, like an article on Apple's filtering using hashes, is more of a best in its own world topic. awesome stuff and I hope you keep writing.

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You’re a good writer. I have enjoyed reading this year.

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Looking forward to your 2022 musings, and all the new vocabulary words I will learn!

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