There's a book out now: An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian American Excellence and the Fight for Meritocracy, I think it basically says how Asians aren't considered "diverse" when it comes to jobs/college, and they're arguably the group most negatively affected by "equity" discrimination.

I like the Glenn Greenwald take. Basically companies like Nike, Apple, CIA, Lockheed Martin & Raytheon all push this DEI BS to cover their real crimes: slavery and reaper drones. They use the rainbow flag to cover their transgressions, like how I only wear underwear after I've pooped.

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It all looks like an unseemly, unself aware indulgence born of civilizational privilege, indicative of societal decadence. You just don’t see this kind of fanaticism around phantasmagoric trivialities in societies that are on their way up.

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Completely agree!

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For a look at how California's Prop 209, which banned consideration of race in University of California admissions, this is summary 10 years after the initiative was adopted:


One of many noteworthy points is the efforts of university administrators to erase any objective measures of academic merit, for example, SAT math scores, leading to highly qualified Asian applicants being rejected:

" In 2003, for example, John Moores Sr., the one remaining Regent committed to colorblind meritocracy, disclosed that Berkeley had admitted 374 applicants in 2002 with SATs under 1,000—almost all of them “students of color”—while rejecting 3,218 applicants with scores above 1,400. UCLA had similar admissions disparities. In a Forbes column, Moores, who had fought tooth and nail to get the data, accused Berkeley of continuing to discriminate against Asians and of admitting students who were unprepared for Berkeley’s rigors."

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I've had these same thoughts every time I see the hapless "DEI" exec report every quarter that yet again, they "still have a lot of work to do on DEI" in front of a company that's 40% Asian. I'd love to hear from some of the Asian people inside these companies to find out how they feel about it. They're obviously very smart people (much smarter than the HR drones who enforce the woke agenda), surely they have to see how irrational and performative it all is?

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My theory, that I hint at here, is that it'll reach a tipping point where you've got all of senior management (none of whom are 'White') going on about the need for inclusion and the contradictions just can't be sustained anymore.

That said, I would have guessed we'd have crossed this point by now too....

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Originally, the idea was that people who come from America's least privileged communities should have more opportunity. If America "works", smart Black kids from inner-city schools should be able to go to Harvard and then get a job at Google.

Universities cheat at this goal by admitting rich students from Africa, inflating the number of Black students while bringing in loads of tuition revenue. Similarly, there's no sacrifice when a company hires a brilliant programmer from abroad.

I'm basically for open borders, so I have no issue with people from all over the world attending American universities and working at Google. But the diverse range of skin colors doesn't really signal any particular benefit to society.

I don't think big tech companies should be responsible for correcting for inequality in the United States -- but if they're not trying to do that, I'm not sure why they have diversity goals in the first place.

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"Let’s give the much-coveted US ‘green card’ to every engineering graduate of an American research university, so that they don’t have to engage in administrative shenanigans to stay."

We already do this. It's called OPT, and it's one reason there's a boom in CS graduate admissions recently. Each of those grads gets the right to work in the USA for 3 years, and maybe beyond if they can make it workout. This is largely in response to Trump admin clamping down on automatic H1B renewals.

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> 2/5 of the FAANG quintumvirate are led by immigrants

Only 1/5 of FAANG is led by an immigrant, as far as I can tell. FAAMG gets you to 2/5. I'm not searching for holes in pointing this out - it makes the point stronger, as MSFT is ~10x NTLX by market cap and, along with Apple, is one of the major trailblazers of Silicon Valley as a state of mind.

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