‘Bout time we saw you writing again! I subscribed after your last piece and then all went dark. Like every one of my crypto buys. I heard the podcast you were on (was it Sam Harris?) so while I lament your begrudging reentry into writing from your perspective I applaud it from mine.

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Where would we find such Signal groups?

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I keep meaning to ask if you would grandfather/mother in long-time subscribers to founding subscriber status. Not sure if you can tell how long I've been paying, but basically since well before the (re)launch! Would love to participate in the group.

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Btw - is it safe to assume you are you in the process of converting?

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Congratulations! Your voice is powerful. With great power… Use it well.

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Awesomeness glad you are fighting against what happened to you…totally absurd

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Someone has to do it.

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Ok, I'm buckled in!!!

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No tickets for sale yet, or am I missing the "change subscription status" link?

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Uh......you don't see a subscribe button anywhere on this?

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It would appear that if you are already a subscriber at the free level, there is no way to change one's subscription to paid. Just looked through about 15 different layers of this myself.

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I turned on paid subs again...do you see it now?

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Can confirm - looks like everyone on the former free level can't upgrade.

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Can you check now? I think the config change takes a while to hit.

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Confirmed working and subscribed.

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Thanks! Substack might have just need to catch up with the config change.

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No subscribe button for me either strangely. And I’m a paid subscriber to other Substacks already so process should be standard.

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I do, but it tells me I'm subscribed already. If that means I'm grandfathered in for free, thanks!

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Check email.

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